So I went for a ride today. Normally on a day where the weather was predicted to be in the nineties I would have gone in the morning, but I stayed up late to watch the Mets lose, so I decided to go in the afternoon around 3:30. It was near ninety when I started out but not too humid and breezy so it was bearable. I had chosen my route to stay near the shore, heading out to Port Monmouth and back, a ride of about 21 miles. So, there I was, a little more than seven and a half miles into my ride, enjoying the warm summer afternoon, when BAM! I found myself laying on the asphalt. It really happened that fast. One second I am on the bike and the next I am laying on the road, looking around to see if anyone saw me go down. Not to get help, but because it was embarrassing. I picked myself up, checked for broken bones first, then looked to discover scrapes on my right leg and arm. I got up without a problem and picked up the bike which revealed the odd shape of my front wheel. Not a good shape. Because the wheel wouldn't turn, I dragged the bike to the side of the road, up onto the sidewalk, and onto a lawn. (A very nice lawn, plush and green, I might add) With the shape of the wheel it was immediately obvious that I wasn't riding home, so I sat down on the lawn, pulled my cell out of my right rear pocket, hoping it was still working, and called Pat. Now, I was only fifteen minutes from home, but Pat wasn't home, being at a friend's house a half hour from our house. I asked her to come and get me and then sat back to wait. The owner of the house I was in front of came home a few minutes later and came over to check on me, and then later a guy in a truck stopped to see if I needed help. It was nice to see strangers reaching out, despite a State Trooper who was so busy on his cell phone he drove right past. I waited forty minutes and then Pat was there and I loaded the bike in the car and went home to shower, medicate, and ice my wounds.
Now, what happened? As I was sitting on the lawn I tried to reconstruct it in my mind and this is what I think happened. I was riding with my hands resting on the handlebars, and not really gripping them, which isn't really that unusual for riders to do. I then hit a medium size pothole which I didn't see, and this caused my hands to jump up off the bars. With nothing to prevent me from going forward, that is what I did. I recall trying to steer with my forearms on the handlebars as I went forward, but it didn't work, and then the wheel went sharply left, and I was skidding along the asphalt. I don't know if the wheel was bent by the pothole, hitting the curb, or just being so sharply turned and stopped.
It could have been a lot worse. My helmet's outer shell is cracked, my hip is bruised and sore, and I have numerous "strawberries" on my body. There was no car behind me, I didn't break any bones, and I will ride again. So it could have been a lot worse.
Tomorrow morning I will shlep my bike to the bike shop to have the wheel replaced and the rest of the bike checked out.
Sounds like you may need some west and welaxation out rest.
true, when you think about it, it could have been a lot worse. Have you ever thought of maybe getting one of those trikes? :-) i keed i keed
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