
Food Poisoning or Virus?

Wouldn't wish either on my worst enemy ..... violent intestinal pain ...... wet and clammy ..... bent over pain ..... saliva filled mouth ..... severe painful cramps ..... nearly vomiting ..... unbearable painful cramps ..... laying on the bathroom floor ..... cramps ..... pain ..... getting up numerous times during the night ..... did I mention the pain? ..... and wishing it would somehow all just end.


Kevin said...

When the...? what the...?!!? what did you eat???? how are you feeling now? (even though it is only an hour after you posted this) :-p

Anonymous said...

what did you eat? i had all those symptoms when i had food poisoning 2 years ago. it's the WORST feeling in the world - i sympathize with you and i hope you're feeling better.

Rick R said...

I've had the same exact symptons lately, but I simply attributed it to the Yankee resurgence!!
