
Almonds anyone?

You go through life thinking that you are good at spelling and fairly adept at recognizing how to spell things based on hearing the word, and then you find out that for years you have been mistaken. But it is comforting when you realize that most people have made or are making the same mistake you are. What am I talking about you may ask? What do you call the vegetable dish with green beans and almonds? Now you are thinking that this is probably a trick question and are trying to think outside the box to get the answer. Green beans almondine? Or maybe the alternate spelling of green beans almandine? Did you think it was either of those? Well if you did you would be wrong just as I was wrong, and just about every recipe you can find was wrong. So now I have you wondering, right? If you go to dictionary.com you will see that almondine will refer you to almandine which is "a mineral, red iron aluminum garnet". The correct spelling for the recipe would be green beans amandine. Who knew?


Kevin said...

this did not affect me or have me puzzled at all, because i never have heard of green beans amandine/almondine/almandine.

nor have i ever had it.

but thanks for clearing this up, so when the time comes to spell this out on the menu of my new restaurant opening up in 2040...it'll be correct. :-)

are you taking your mind off of the epic win the mets pulled off last night but still didn't gain any ground on the brewers, due to their 9th inning grandslam?

ray said...

Not believable. I mean that you have never heard of it nor ever had it. Think wedding. Think long stringy French style beans with sliced almonds. I would be money you have had them before. Also I would be you have seen a menu with something like Trout Almondine.

Why are you waiting til 2040 to open your restaurant? Will it be a theme restaurant? Will you really serve String Beans Amandine?

Mets are going to give me heart failure.

ray said...

Seems like the "t" on my keyboard wasn't working on my comment. :-)

Lauren Clerkin said...

Never even thought about how to spell it and would have thought it was almondine.