
Trying something new

Trying new things (and when I say things I mean food or taste) is sometimes easy and sometimes not so easy. Of course as a child it is easy to say no when a parent would ask you to try some different food you had never tasted before. You were of course concerned with it being somehow unpleasant. But as an adult, if offered something new to taste, the response would be different because you would know that even if it were somehow unpleasant it would only be temporary. But there are occasions where the decision to try new things is a bit more difficult. What I have said so far is more of a sampling of new foods such as times when you are out to dinner and taste someone else's food, something you have never eaten before. But would you look at a menu and try something totally foreign to you? Then if it were an unpleasant experience your whole dinner would be ruined unless you had a dining partner who was willing to exchange dinner with you. And by this time you are probably wondering where I am going with this and why I am writing about this at all. Because I can? Because I have nothing else to do today while sitting her on the patio in this beautiful afternoon weather? Could be either, but it is actually neither. Yesterday morning I went to WAWA for two coffees and a Boston creme donut for my lovely wife. There are occasions where I will get a fat filled banana nut muffin instead of going home and having cereal with my coffee. This was one of those occasions where my will power was left at home. But in going for the banana nut muffin I saw they had a new flavor muffin. Pina Colada. Really? Yes, a Pina Colada Muffin. Dare I try it? I think, if I buy it and it is not to my liking, then I won't have anything for breakfast. Sure I could have cereal, but once committed to the banana nut muffin, anything less would ruin my morning and thus possibly my day. I could buy both muffins and this way have a fall back choice, but that is money wasted. What did I do? I bought the banana nut muffin, went home and enjoyed it with my coffee. So, you see why choices are sometimes easy and sometimes not when trying some new food? At least for me that is how it is.


Lauren Clerkin said...

why didn't you buy both. If you didn't like the pina colada one then you would have had the banana nut one as backup. And if you did like the pina colada one then the banana nut one could have been saved for the next day.
I personally would never try a pina colada one.

ray said...

Well I will probably be having neither because research has shown that Dunkin Donuts' banana walnut muffins, which are very similar to the ones at WAWA, contain 540 calories and 230 of those are from fat. Just a bit too much for a nice healthy breakfast.

Lauren Clerkin said...

Did you really think the muffins were healthy just because they were banana nut??

Heather said...

So, I happened by your blog while I was searching for a pina colada muffin recipe - and, should you ever go to Wawa again and they have them, GET ONE!

I was pleasantly surprised - light, fruity, not overpowering, and moist. Very summery tasting.

~Heather from VA