
Could I care less?

Okay, this isn't a big deal, but why do people always say it incorrectly? It is "I couldn't care less", not "I could care less". The phrase means that it is the least you could care about a subject, so you can't care less, thus the former is the only phrase that makes sense. I hear people using it all the time, even people in the news business on television or radio. And it obviously irks me.

And while on the subject of word usage, let me address one that makes me cringe when I hear it. That would be "so fun", as in This party is so fun. First of all anyone who knows a little of grammar and speech should recognize that it just doesn't sound correct. Bells and whistles should go off in your head. What makes this incorrect is that "fun" is a noun and "so" is an adverb and adverbs don't modify nouns. Here is a link for an article that delves into this topic a bit more. http://www.editpros.com/news0501.html


Tracy said...

you know every time i say "i couldn't care less" i always think of you. i remember you talking about this during one of your california visits and now i always catch myself and correct myself before i say "i could care less" when i really mean to be saying "i couldn't care less."

Kevin said...

I could care less about this topic!!! :-)