
Second entry

Well, it looks like the first entry wasn't the last after all. Nothing to add since last time except things for me to ponder. How do I write in the blog? I mean to whom am I writing? Do I address it to the general population, or express myself as if I am talking to my children, or do I write as if it is a personal journal that no one is expected to see? Well we can eliminate that last option right away. If I were take that option I would be putting personal thoughts and feelings here that I have kept to myself or only shared with my loving spouse. So, that is out. And associated with these questions is who do I let know that I even have a blog? Right now it is just Pat and my children and spouses. Oh of course there are others who might stumble on it by accident, but I don't really care about them, or even think they would return to see my blog again. So, those things are what I need to address.

Today has been another hot day in NJ. The three H's are here again. Another inside day. No work today after working four days straight. I do have to go in tomorrow, but another day or two and I will once again be on call instead of having to work every day. Rick, (my brother Rick), (Uncle Rick)........you can see why I need to decide to whom I will write this blog...... stopped by after visiting Mom, (my mother), (Grandma). We had lunch and watched the DVD that Bob, (my brother Bob), (Uncle Bob) had put on DVD. Originally Ron, (my brother Ron), (Uncle Ron) had taken all the old home movies from 8mm and Super 8mm and had put on VHS. But now they are on DVD. I am sure in the future they will have to be transferred again to the next media advancement. We spent the afternoon, three hours, watching and having some good laughs. In the near future I will be taking all our home movies and have them put on DVD also.

1 comment:

Kevin said...

good question about who to post the blog to. I think i post mine , addressing the general public.