I could write a lot more postings if I noted every famous person who passed on, the last one being George Carlin. But this blog would then be nothing more than a list of deaths. With that said I will use this posting to note another passing. Madame Marie is no longer among the living. I wonder if she knew when she was going to die. Who is Madame Marie you ask? "Did you hear the cops finally busted Madam Marie for tellin' fortunes better than they do?"
For more read the Full story.
yeah too many famous people are droppin...
Don H. Davis just passed too from Twin Peaks, also a 30 something yr old comic book artist too. What the Jimminee?????
but no i didnt know who Madam Marie was.
am i the only one who reads and replies to your blogs....i feel so lonely up here in the comments section.
Sorry, that's DON S. DAVIS, not H
I will reply too. Madam Marie was the Asbury Park fortuneteller whom Bruce Springsteen immortalized in song via "Fourth of July, Asbury Park (Sandy)." Her little 12'x12' kiosk remains firmly in place on the famed boardwalk, despite the city's crumbling all around it. RIP Madam Marie. For more:
NY Times obituary
Don S. Davis, ah yes, "The owls are not what they seem."
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