
The Balance In Nature ..... or More Protein

Two rides ago I saw two dead squirrels, one dead rabbit and a live ground hog. Today I went for a twenty seven mile ride (irrelevant to this post) and saw two live squirrels, one live rabbit and a dead ground hog. Now you probably think I am making this up, and as I formulated the posting as I rode I was short a dead ground hog and was contemplating some fiction. But with about five miles left in the ride there he was, or she was, (I didn't stop to check), fresh road pizza.

And I ate another bug.


Lauren said...

okay, eeww gross! and I can't believe you mentally make a note of the amount of unfortunate dead animals you see.
Today on our way to breakfast we saw a live turtle on route 9.

ray said...

I was considering adding a column to the spreadsheet I use to track my miles. But then I would have to remember which roadkill was new and which I had seen on previous rides. :-)

Rick R said...

Always marveled at your bug-eating comments. Well, it happened this morning. He got sucked in during a run thru Caldwell and some deep intakes of air. Some serious spitting failed to produce the little bugger, so he is now in my lung or stomach.