
Tryptophan a myth

A day after Turkey Day and I think it necessary to debunk the belief that turkey causes you to fall asleep after a Thanksgiving dinner. NOT TRUE. Without going into the scientific details, which you can read on many different sites, including these .... one ..... two. Bottom line, it is not the turkey which does contain the sleep inducing tryptophan, but rather the starches and sugar, not to mention the alcohol. So, don't blame the turkey.


Anonymous said...

no comment...just posting something to let you know I am reading :-)

Anonymous said...

Ray, what's your beef with American Holidays? First, you refuse to recognize Valentine's Day and now you try to undermine Thanksgiving. As a proud American I say no to your continued effort to attack American culture!! Perhaps you should research how Thanksgiving came to be declared a national Holiday before you take the myths out of it!! God bless the USA!